Thursday March 5

Thursday March 5, 2020

Molly Sheridan:

Hi, my name is Molly and I am a junior Nursing student from Stamford, Connecticut.  Today we spent the day at Rocky Creek, finishing up and continuing working on some projects that we have been doing for the past few days.  In the morning, we went out as a group to place some decorations that we painted at each station of the Discovery Trail.  It was nice to see some projects finally finished, and the stations looked great all freshened up for spring and summer.  Hopefully the work we did at each of the stations will bring joy to people using the trail in the future.  After lunch, we continued to paint some larger decorations, which will be placed throughout the Discovery Trail.  It was fun to be creative and spend time outside.  It started raining later in the afternoon, so we had to quickly move everything into the barn, but luckily nothing was ruined.  Then, we ate dinner at the lake house on the farm. As always, it was a great day filled with fun, laughter, and work.  I am looking forward to another great day tomorrow, but am a little sad that it will be our last day here in North Carolina.

Joshua Mould:

Hi, my name is Joshua Mould and I am a Freshman Computer Science and Statistics major from Wellesley, Massachusetts. Today we spent another full day of work at Rocky Creek. In the morning we arrived and got to working in sorting out trail station decorations by letter to be brought out to each station. The entire group then carried everything out to each station and planted the decorations to get the station elements ready for the Spring. In addition, at each station along the way we stopped and painted the letter boards and cleared the trail of fallen branches and debris. When we had gone from the A station to the J station we finished up and headed back to the barn for lunch. During lunch we had a really good conversation, going around the circle answering interesting questions that randomly came into a person’s mind. After lunch, the group split and Greg took half the group to paint a horse platform while the rest of us stayed back finishing up spools and repainting some birdhouses. I worked on my baseball themed spool, making the top section a baseball, the middle section a scoreboard, and the bottom section the diamond of the infield. After finishing the spool I moved on to paint a birdhouse a dark red color with pink polka dots. In the midst of all this work I was able to have really good conversations with other members of our group who were in the same area working on similar projects and really enjoyed the entire process. Tomorrow will be our last day and it will be sad to leave, but this has been an experience like no other and I look forward to bringing what I learned from this experience back to campus.


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