Friday, March 8th

Kate Murray: Hi everyone! My name is Kate Murray and I am a Senior Sociology major with a Counseling minor from Northern Virginia. I actually have never been involved with LEVEL before, so I was a bit apprehensive to join LEVEL on their trip to Rocky Creek and Triple Play Farm. However, this week has continued to push me outside of my comfort zone, ultimately helping me learn and grow from my many encounters with others.

Today we put the finishing touches on our service projects, which included Mod-Podging our quilt designs and painting horse jumps. At the end of the day, Tracy and Erika led a wonderful closing reflection at Rocky Creek, allowing us to discuss the impact that groups like LEVEL can have on a community. Trisha, one of the RC staff members, broke down at one point and emotionally shared with us how heartbroken she felt when she could not join us at Rocky Creek one day this week. This raw emotion really affected me, because I realized that our group had done more than paint quilts and a duck house. Our group had the ability to be in relationship with the community at Rocky Creek and Triple Play Farm, which is an invaluable opportunity for both myself and LEVEL as an organization. We finished the day at Duckworth’s Grill, with plenty of onion rings and fries to go around.

I feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of this trip because I am constantly encouraged to challenge my assumptions and preconceptions. I am extremely honored to have the opportunity to be in relationship with every person on this trip, and I hope that I can further the connections that I made upon returning to Villanova.

August Geiermann: Arriving with open hearts, souls, and minds, our break trip began with a mission best
summarized by our trip leader Andrew Wykowski: to leave North Carolina having made the world a far better place than when we embarked on our 7-day journey. 6 of them have passed far more hastily than a human eye can ever hope to fathom, our service work completed but our mission left unfinished. Even so, this does not make us shed a tear for lost or squandered opportunities, but hopeful for the new doors this incredible experience has opened. While finishing service projects and being the butt of jokes for what at times seemed like the crime of existing, I began to realize how much I had gained in relationships with new LEVEL members, and even though I really felt that I hadn’t gotten everything I truly wanted out of this experience, I didn’t feel I was going to depart unsatisfied. Sure, my work wasn’t done, but this trip really gave me the motivation to progress as a person. Most importantly, though, I feel that the events I experienced at Triple Play and Rocky Creek have enabled a feeling of confidence I’ve never received. If that doesn’t constitute a successful SJE, I really don’t know what is.

Connor Hayes: I woke up today like any other day this week. I rolled out of bed, took a shower, ate breakfast, and drove to Rocky Creek. Today was different though. It finally hit me that this trip was coming to an end. This week I had spent thinking about what we were going to do tomorrow, and this time there wasn't that comfort. We pulled up and got to work immediately to finish the projects we were working on. While we were putting the finishing touches on the quilt tiles and the jumps, some of us had the opportunity to drive the tractor. It was a great way to not only experience something new, but also interact with some of the tools that Rocky Creek uses in its daily operations. After taking the tractor for a spin, we got back to work. We only had a few more hours to finish our tasks. By the end of our time, we had finished 13 quote boards, 6 jumps, and 5 quilt tiles. It was great to see the work we had completed, but it was also sad. These were the last few moments that we were going to spend at Rocky Creek. As we were passing that pond one last time, I was flooded with happy memories of the week and realized how special it has been.

Rocky Creek is a beautiful property and does some amazing work. I have been so lucky to have been able to spend my previous two spring breaks there as well as at Triple Play Farm. The staff at both facilities are incredible and are helping their communities in so many ways. Thank you to the staff at Triple Play and Rocky Creek,  Brian Muscarella, the Byrnes family, and the Community School of Davidson for making this trip even better than it was last year. I hope to see you all next year.

This week couldn't have come at a better time. I spent the past few weeks stressed out with tests and work, and I needed a break. When Saturday finally rolled around, I was pumped and ready for the challenges this week would bring. Now that this is coming to an end, I look back proud of the work we did and excited to see how this group will continue to grow as people. This trip, while short, has made an impact on my life. The people I have met, the time I have spent, and the work I have done will forever stick with me. I have been so lucky to be involved not only with LEVEL, but this trip for both of my years at Villanova. Thank you to everyone involved for making this such a special experience.


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